The Gift Rebellion guide to giving

Be prepared 

To avoid running to the shops to find a new gift at the last minute, keep a box of lovely pre-loved gifts ready to go.

For those who want a bit of help, we’ve put together some ideas for what to give, where to find great second-hand gifts and letting go of some of our own ‘stuff’.

Download our Gift planner to help you keep track of birthdays and special occasions each month.


Be generous 

We want to continue to give lovely, thoughtful gifts, they just happen to be pre-loved.
We don’t want to palm off our old junk! 

Give your gift a clean and check it’s complete and in great condition.

Remember, give a gift you would be excited to receive yourself. 

Be kind

While we break social gift-giving rules, we can be kind by doing what feels right for us without judging others for their choices. 

Whether the gifts you give are mostly pre-loved and sometimes new, or vice-versa, every pre-loved gift counts


Be brave 

Giving pre-loved gifts is an act of courage.

It’s pushing through the fear of judgement because we believe the health of the planet and what we leave for our kids is more important than what someone might think of us.  


For more inspiration on the sharing economy, pre-loved gifting and caring for the planet, see our blog